The School Management reserves to itself, the right to dismiss students whose conduct is, in any way, detrimental to the orderly life of the school.
Those students failing twice in the same class, or failing twice in three consecutive years, will not be allowed to continue in the school.
Use or attempting to use unfair means in exams, tests and assignments are a sufficient cause for dismissal.
Smoking, bringing or consuming alcohol or narcotic drugs, disrespect towards the staff, bad moral influence, contempt of authority and willful damage to school property will lead to the dismissal of the student from the school and a fine according to the extent of the damage will have to be paid by the parent / guardian.
If fees fall into arrears for more than two months from the scheduled date, the student’s name will be removed from the school rolls.
Students who indulge in political propaganda, or who organize fellow students in political factions on the premises of the school, or who otherwise engage themselves in party politics are liable to be expelled from the school.
Students entering into matrimony while studying in the school will have to leave the school before any such act.
The wards of those parents / guardians who obstruct the smooth functioning and vitiate the academic atmosphere of the school through their act of omissions and commissions shall be liable to be dismissed from the school.